
Measure what matters.

Chart your time.

Mental integrity.

Deliver value.

There is more to life than shrewd accumulation of wealth.

Any effort bears some fruit.

Silence of the lambs.

Plum puffs won't minister to a mind diseased.

Emotion drives logic.

Temperament is destiny, but attitude is a choice.

Act from reality.

Stick to the facts, stick to the truth.

Natural funding constituency.

Love and be loved.

Success is harmony.

Fake positive.

Big opportunities are self-evident, you don't go hunting for them.

Whatever outcome is not the end of the world.

Character is your destiny.

Start from what you know.

Build value.

Treat them with dignity.

Bring clarity.

Act on facts.

As you do so it is.

Unhappiness breeds addictions.

Свако живи како је изабрао.

Life is a matter of choice.

Ignorance is still ignorance.

Добри смо.

Neglect is like poison.

Не може на силу.

Твоја дела су огледало твојих уверења.

One without the other cannot make the whole.

Живи живот корак по корак.

Буди доброг здравља.

Окружи се добрим људима.

Покрени се.

Уради добар посао.

Буди ведрог духа.

Живот је привилегија.

Живот је процес.

Време је живот.

Окрени се ка Сунцу.

Сваки дан почиње од нуле.

Each step is a unique event in itself.

Keep in high spirits.

Mastery is achieved through repetition.

Three points.

Keep it real.

Life is a continuous process.

Slow progress.

Stack the deck in your favor.

Do good work.

Focus on yes.

Closed mind makes mistakes.

Your life is lived one step at a time.

Every day is a step forward.

Mental nutrition.

Listen to reality.

Narrow down focus only to what is in front.

I love solitude.

Open mind and discipline.

Do not eliminate good people.

It is such a privilege to provide opportunity to others.

This life is a remarkable privilege.

Act with integrity.

Success is not a race.

Listening better starts with yourself.

Play for fun.

It is still day 1.

Navigate your thinking to a better place.

Thoughts unexpressed lead to inhibition.

Mind lock.

Tinkering with life.

Don't talk to ridicule.

Memory palace.

Build a person you want to become.

Three point medley.

Respect even when you disagree.

Big things start small.

Every day starts from zero.

Pay attention to reality.

Navigate away from opportunities that do not make your life better.

Hiding ignorance grows incompetence.

Cultivate a good attitude.

Punch card.

Unnoticed deeds are not less valiant.

Greed is wanting undeserved privilege.


You cannot expect what cannot be delivered.

Do not deflate yourself.

Expect nothing but hope for the best.

You did the right thing.

Music is a gift.

Empty worry.

Do not deflate others.

Thank you for everything.

Love keeps your sanity.

Truth unsaid.

Do not harbour prejudice.

Swimming with an anchor.

Remember how flowers grow.

Science reveals the future.

Inner scorecard.

True failure is not trying.

Take care of the process.

Cannot argue with ignorance.

What the right answer is not.

Acres of diamonds.

Do what is required.

Prudence is good judgement.

Ignorance is not the absence of intellect.

Bad company.

Start from unity.

Days in anger, guilt and resentment.

Turn away from bad company.

Life is made of time.

Face reality.

Stay sharp.

Reality is talking.

Share good times with good people.

Be cheerful despite the trouble.

Take things seriously.

Be honest without malice.

Win by not failing.

You get what you settle for.

Do not create hostility.

Writing is learning.

Make your mistakes.

Do what's right.

Turn towards the sun.

Do not spend time with people who make you miserable.

Don't lie to yourself.

Many problems can't be solved forward.

Get real.

Shape of her body says little of her character.